Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yum, pie

Isn't it pretty? I put cinnamon and sugar on top so that is the dark brown. It smelled really good too. Bad thing about a pie, you can't sneak a piece early, people will always know. I taking it for tonight's dinner at a friend's house, tomorrow I will do mashed taters.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So it has been about 33 days since I posted, sorry. Let me update you on the happenings of the last month.

My classes are finished for the semester. I submitted grades on Thursday of last week for the lab course and for the lecture homework, so I am now finished with that until January. I have been able to make some progress with research in the last week, just a little bit of progress, so that is good.

Vacation starts next week. I have been counting down the days since, well, October. I am looking forward to Germany but I can't wait to get home. It has been almost a year since I've been in Alaska and I miss it more now than ever. Can you give a state a hug? That is what I want to do when I get off the plane.

Oh, bugs. Bugs dominated my week last week. They were these little beetle looking things, similar to a weevil but not, that got in my kitchen. Two cans of RAID and 1 exterminator later they were finally dead. Unfortunately I had to throw out most of my spices, very sad. I ordered some Tupperware brand spice containers from the states, they should be here the day after I leave. I will be stocking up on some spices in the states but most I'll get here.

I hosted the knitting group this week. We had about 8 or 9 ladies at my place and I made breakfast, with help from a friend. I was having a hard time with the pancakes but the carrot cake and cream cheese frosting turned out good. I had to pull out every chair in my place for people to sit.

I am still debt free, which is a big accomplishment for me. I have been listening to financial people to keep my head focused on the goal. I also realized that the vacations that I have planned for next year are going to have to be more limited. I was planning trips to Dubai, Egypt, UK, Poland, and home. I think I am going to eliminate the UK trip and see if I can make those work. The airline tickets are expensive for some of these trips so we will see. I am thinking Dubai for 3 days/2 nights at spring break.

Did I mention I have 9 days until I leave? Oh, so we now get the 8th of December off as well so my vacation hours have been returned to me. I called Lufthansa to see if I could change my flight and leave on the 3rd instead of the 5th. It was going to be a 100 euro change fee PLUS a $503.94 change of ticket fee, I'm staying until the 5th. i was ready to pay the 100 euros, but the ticket fee is just a wee bit too high.

Well, I know this is an exciting post but that is all the exciting stuff that I want to share right now. I'll be home for Christmas on the 14th of December, assuming I make my connection in Amsterdam, and I leave to come back on the 1st of January.

Hope you are doing well.