So, let me tell you about the highlights of the week. I mailed the scarf and my youngest neice's hat back to the states. Two days later I found out that the mailroom considers large envelopes going to the states packages and won't mail them for me. So, another employee of TAMUQ is on his way to the States and will be mailing the stuff when he gets there.
Frustration has been high this week. I have a new group of students, 7 total, that don't understand that I start lab on time. Unfortunetly, they are learning the hard way. I kicked them out of lab this week, they were over the time of the ending of the lab and they would have had plenty of time if they had showed up on time. The young ones will learn soon, I hope.
I have received 2 more Lonely Planet books, Poland and Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. Guess where I'm thinking about going this summer? I would like to go to all of them but I think that money and time is going to be an issue, more on the money side.
I am taking a geology class through Oregon State University this winter term and it is going fine. I am learning quite a bit and enjoying it. Last week was earthquakes and this current week the topic is floods. Next week it is the desert, I am looking forward to that one since that is where I am.
Well, I should do some studying. I hope all is well with you.
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