Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ten days and counting!

If I were to be really specific it would be 11 days, but I don't like that very much so I stick with the 10 day mark. My plane leaves at 11:55 pm on the 16th, so I do leave on the 16th, I just have the entire day here.

I am working on my to-do list for before I leave. Nothing too exciting, just some things that I want to make sure I get done, like clean out the fridge. So far this is what I have:
1. Clean out fridge
2. Pack suitcase
3. Take out trash
4. Get passport back from HR with new work visa
5. See #4
6. Finish presentation for church and get multiple copies available for presentation
7. Knit Brook a hat out of the red yarn that I dyed
8. Wind into a ball the red yarn that I dyed
9. Do laundry
10. Make mini apple pies for some friends and don't eat the extras
11. Charge all electronics. (This will take a long time, I have 5 iPods, 2 cameras with 2 batteries each, an eReader, a cell phone, and a DS lite. This is a multi-day process.)

Oh, the semester is finished for me. I have to proctor final lecture exams but other than I just have to move and set up a lab.

I hope all is doing well with you.

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