Sunday, February 17, 2008

Camels and fat-butt sheep

I saw a camel! (No, not the cigarette the animal.) I didn’t realize how big they were! I always thought they were the size of horses, not so much. There lips are so funny! This is at the livestock market which is close to the vegetable market, I guess that way you can get everything for a stew in the same place. Anyway, there were lost of camels, including baby camels, and there were goats and sheep. The other picture is of a fat-tailed sheep, I like the name fat-butt sheep better. The fat in the sheep would be harvested from the animal and rendered into cooking lard, instead of using pig, I guess. This is an expensive process so they don’t do that much of it anymore. Who knew, I thought a sheep was a sheep, I didn’t know that some have fat butts.

Let me see what else is going on, not a whole lot. I got a sewing machine this weekend. It is a lower end Brother machine, not as good as my Kenmore at home, but I think we all have to slum it occasionally. My first project on it is going to be a four patch, just so I can get used to using a different machine, then I don’t know what I’ll do. I also saw a Kitchenaide mixer wannabe and it made me think of the one I have sitting at home, just waiting for me. Someday, I’ll get to use it.

Work-wise things have slowed down a little bit. Oh, this is funny happening but especially for the teachers. My students are required to type everything so they use spell check. Of course, spell check doesn’t find word errors, like “morality” instead of “molarity,” and “shoe” instead of “show,” and “vile” instead of vial.” There have been some other ones but those are my favorites so far.

Finally, before I need to get back to work, thank you to all who did the Valentine Day notes on the ribbon. It was very cool and just reaffirmed the fact that my friends and family back home are the best people ever.

1 comment:

Ryan Schellenberg said...

LAYNE!!!! What's with the time stamp on the picture? and while we are on the topic, What's with the fascination with fat butt sheep anyways?