Sunday, February 10, 2008

A fork and a spoon

Last night I went to dinner at a "restaurant" called Hot Chicken. This was good and cheap food but across from a gas station and some other places. It was a funny time that all you could do was laugh. First, our waiter didn't speak English, or Arabic (not that I speak Arabic), so we didn't know if he got really what we wanted. So, he brought the food (fried chicken, chicken fried rice, chicken noodles with spice, and chicken spring rolls) but he didn't give us any plates. So we asked him for plate, and we did didn't get one. So we asked again and he brought plates. We then asked for silverware, and again we didn't get it. So we asked again, this time acting out the action of using silverware, and we got it. The waiter brought 1 fork and 1 spoon for the three of us. I laughed and we made do with a serving spoon, a fork and a regular spoon. The food was really good but it was funny. The noodles had a spice on them that I don't know what it was, but it was good but very spicy.

Lab is going late again this week. We are almost 30 minutes over lab and I am assuming that it will go even later that this because students are not cleaned up yet. I don't really like staying overtime, but I do enjoy the ability to get comp time for later vacations. The first time you do something you try a lab the way it is written, now I will try it differently next week. How differently, I don't know yet, but it will work out, I am very determined.

1 comment:

Betsy Bear said...

Is it the custom to eat with the fingers there? Could be a new skill for you to learn along with everything else. Was the waiter unfamiliar with western eating customs, do you think, or just annoyed with them? Do they expect tips? Maybe next time you go out to eat you can check this out further.