Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I was most excited about this stop, and it was one of the shortest. The walled city has been preserved beautifully preserved, even after the 91-92 war. The city wasn’t cheap but it was interesting and I enjoyed it greatly. You can walk around the entire the wall of the city which is intact. The amount of stuff that got packed into a very small area was amazing. Our guide told us that if we are looking for souvenirs it would be cheaper to go down a block or two south of the main street. My friend and I are walking down the street looking for a shot glass for here, a patch for me, market and a yarn shop is possible. We found everything. I was walking and then I said “YARN!” She said “what?” and then I showed her the find. They didn’t have a lot of yarn but it wasn’t too badly priced and some of it was made in Croatia. I would like to return to Croatia next year for Eid and see what else I can see of the country.

The brown roof tiles are the old ones and the orange ones are the newest.
The city was walled and fortified for protection, we can see where the canon shot would go if fired.

A view of the city from up the way. It is beautiful.

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